If we don't have something...
...it's because you haven't told us about it yet!
There's hundreds if not thousands of topics that fall under Integrative Studies, and we are full aware that the selection covered in our current library is only a tiny percentage of that information. We need your help to point us in the right direction.
We're generalists, so specialists like you are essential for us to know exactly where highly focused research is being done or stored. Our goal is to continuously expand the library, and we'll need the combined knowledge of the broader Integrative Studies community to do that. For the first time, there is a concerted effort to compile all public information relating to all kinds of mind/body academics in one place. Please contact us at [email protected] to tell us about databases, specific studies or entire fields that interest you. We want to know about it and we want to share it.
Help us do something that's never been done before, and be a part of making history!