Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

Publication Title: 
Psychiatria Polska

The authors of this paper present a review of actual data on the neurobiological background of suicidal behaviour. The results of epidemiological studies suggest that suicidal behaviours have certain genetic background which do not depend on the presence of concomitant mental disorders. The estimated heritability rate of suicide is about 21-50%, while the heritability rate of suicidal ideation and behaviour is about 30-55%. The genes of serotonergic and noradrenergic systems, as well as the HPA axis genes, have been scrutinised in context of suicidal behaviour.

Jaeschke, Rafa?
Siwek, Marcin
Dudek, Dominika
Publication Title: 

This mini-review refers to recent findings on psychobiological long-term consequences of childhood trauma and adverse living conditions. The continuum of trauma-provoked aftermath reaches from healthy adaptation with high resilience, to severe maladjustment with co-occurring psychiatric and physical pathologies in children, adolescents and adults. There is increasing evidence of a strong interconnectivity between genetic dispositions, epigenetic processes, stress-related hormonal systems and immune parameters in all forms of (mal)-adjustment to adverse living conditions.

Ehlert, Ulrike
Publication Title: 
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology

BACKGROUND: Impaired stress resilience and a dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are suggested to play key roles in the pathophysiology of illness progression in bipolar disorder (BD), but the mechanisms leading to this dysfunction have never been elucidated. This study aimed to examine HPA axis activity and underlying molecular mechanisms in patients with BD and unaffected siblings of BD patients. METHODS: Twenty-four euthymic patients with BD, 18 siblings of BD patients, and 26 healthy controls were recruited for this study.

Fries, Gabriel Rodrigo
Vasconcelos-Moreno, Mirela Paiva
Gubert, Carolina
dos Santos, B·rbara Tietbˆhl Martins Quadros
Sartori, Juliana
Eisele, B·rbara
Ferrari, Pamela
Fijtman, Adam
R¸egg, JoÎlle
Gassen, Nils Christian
Kapczinski, Fl·vio
Rein, Theo
Kauer-Sant'Anna, M·rcia
Publication Title: 
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology

BACKGROUND: Polymorphisms in the FK506 binding protein 5 (FKBP5) gene have been shown to influence glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity, stress response regulation, and depression risk in traumatized subjects, with most consistent findings reported for the functional variant rs1360780. In the present study, we investigated whether the FKBP5 polymorphism rs1360780 and lifetime history of major depression are associated with DNA methylation and FKBP5 gene expression after psychosocial stress.

Hˆhne, Nina
Poidinger, Maximilian
Merz, Franziska
Pfister, Hildegard
Br¸ckl, Tanja
Zimmermann, Petra
Uhr, Manfred
Holsboer, Florian
Ising, Marcus
Publication Title: 
Comprehensive Physiology

Stress is an integral part of life. Activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in the adult can be viewed as mostly adaptive to restore homeostasis in the short term. When stress occurs during development, and specifically during periods of vulnerability in maturing systems, it can significantly reprogram function, leading to pathologies in the adult. Thus, it is critical to understand how the HPA axis is regulated during developmental periods and what are the factors contributing to shape its activity and reactivity to environmental stressors.

Wood, Charles E.
Walker, Claire-Dominique
Publication Title: 
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Neuroendocrine function, assessed in 90 couples during their first year of marriage (Time 1), was related to marital dissolution and satisfaction 10 years later. Compared to those who remained married, epinephrine levels of divorced couples were 34% higher during a Time 1 conflict discussion, 22% higher throughout the day, and both epinephrine and norepinephrine were 16% higher at night. Among couples who were still married, Time 1 conflict ACTH levels were twice as high among women whose marriages were troubled 10 years later than among women whose marriages were untroubled.

Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice K.
Bane, Cynthia
Glaser, Ronald
Malarkey, William B.
Publication Title: 

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a GHB-/GABAB-receptor agonist. Reports from GHB abusers indicate euphoric, prosocial, and empathogenic effects of the drug. We measured the effects of GHB on mood, prosocial behavior, social and non-social cognition and assessed potential underlying neuroendocrine mechanisms. GHB (20mg/kg) was tested in 16 healthy males, using a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. Subjective effects on mood were assessed by visual-analogue-scales and the GHB-Specific-Questionnaire.

Bosch, Oliver G.
Eisenegger, Christoph
Gertsch, J¸rg
von Rotz, Robin
Dornbierer, Dario
Gachet, M. SalomÈ
Heinrichs, Markus
Wetter, Thomas C.
Seifritz, Erich
Quednow, Boris B.
Publication Title: 
Sovetskaia Meditsina
Zheltakov, M. M.
Skripkin, Iu K.
Somov, B. A.
Publication Title: 
British Medical Journal
Black, S.
Friedman, M.
Publication Title: 
Behavioural Brain Research

Neuroendocrine changes have been studied in male rabbits during daily repeated inductions of animal hypnosis. All the animals attained the habituation but after different times, showing a different individual sensitivity to the treatment. Once habituation was reached, further treatment did not elicit any recovery. Corticosterone plasma levels gradually increased during treatment, reached a peak at habituation and did not change afterwards.

Farabollini, F.
di Prisco, C. L.
Carli, G.


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