
Publication Title: 
Experimental Gerontology

Restriction of dietary methionine by 80% slows the progression of aged-related diseases and prolongs lifespan in rodents. A salient feature of the methionine restriction phenotype is the significant reduction of adipose tissue mass, which is associated with improvement of insulin sensitivity. These beneficial effects of MR involve a host of metabolic adaptations leading to increased mitochondrial biogenesis and function, elevated energy expenditure, changes of lipid and carbohydrate homeostasis, and decreased oxidative damage and inflammation.

Perrone, Carmen E.
Malloy, Virginia L.
Orentreich, David S.
Orentreich, Norman
Publication Title: 
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association

CONTEXT: Excessive calorie intake and subsequent obesity increases the risk of developing chronic disease and decreases life expectancy. In rodent models, calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake decreases the risk of developing chronic disease and extends maximum life span. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the physiological and clinical implications of calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake.

Fontana, Luigi
Klein, Samuel
Publication Title: 
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation: Official Journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology

An epidemic of overweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes, caused by overeating nutrient-poor energy-dense foods and a sedentary lifestyle, is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Abdominal obesity represents a serious threat to health because it increases the risk of developing many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Calorie restriction (CR) with adequate nutrition improves cardiometabolic health, prevents tumorigenesis and increases life span in experimental animals.

Fontana, Luigi
Publication Title: 
Current Opinion in Gastroenterology

PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: The present review discusses the current state of knowledge regarding the effects of calorie restriction in modulating metabolism and aging. RECENT FINDINGS: There are currently no interventions or gene manipulations that can prevent, stop or reverse the aging process. However, there are a number of interventions that can slow down aging and prolong maximal lifespan up to 60% in experimental animals.

Fontana, Luigi
Publication Title: 
Pfl¸gers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology

Average human life expectancy has progressively increased over many decades largely due to improvements in nutrition, vaccination, antimicrobial agents, and effective treatment/prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc. Maximal life span, in contrast, has changed very little. Caloric restriction (CR) increases maximal life span in many species, in concert with improvements in mitochondrial function. These effects have yet to be demonstrated in humans, and the duration and level of CR required to extend life span in animals is not realistic in humans.

Lanza, Ian R.
Nair, K. Sreekumaran
Publication Title: 
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Many animal and human studies show counterintuitive effects of environmental influences on energy balance and life span. Relatively low social and/or economic status seems to be associated with and produce greater adiposity, and reduced provision (e.g., caloric restriction) of food produces greater longevity. We suggest that a unifying factor may be perceptions of the environment as "energetically insecure" and inhospitable to reproduction, which may in turn provoke adiposity-increasing and longevity-extending mechanisms.

Kaiser, Kathryn A.
Smith, Daniel L.
Allison, David B.
Publication Title: 
Preventing Chronic Disease

INTRODUCTION: Recruiting participants for research studies can be challenging. Many studies fall short of their target or must prolong recruitment to reach it. We examined recruitment and retention strategies and report lessons learned in a behavioral intervention developmental trial to encourage healthy pregnancy weight gain and stress reduction in low-income overweight pregnant women.

Coleman-Phox, Kimberly
Laraia, Barbara A.
Adler, Nancy
Vieten, Cassandra
Thomas, Melanie
Epel, Elissa
Publication Title: 
Hormones (Athens, Greece)

Chronic stress can affect human health through a myriad of behavioral and biochemical pathways. Tauhis review focuses on some key hormonal and metabolic pathways that appear important today. In modern society, we are faced with excessive psychological stress, as well as an epidemic of overeating, and the two together appear to have synergistic effects. Chronic stress can lead to overeating, co-elevation of cortisol and insulin, and suppression of certain anabolic hormones. This state of metabolic stress in turn promotes abdominal adiposity.

Epel, Elissa S.
Publication Title: 
International Journal of Obesity (2005)

The 2013 Pennington Biomedical Research Center's Scientific Symposium focused on the treatment and management of pediatric obesity and was designed to (i) review recent scientific advances in the prevention, clinical treatment and management of pediatric obesity, (ii) integrate the latest published and unpublished findings and (iii) explore how these advances can be integrated into clinical and public health approaches.

Katzmarzyk, P. T.
Barlow, S.
Bouchard, C.
Catalano, P. M.
Hsia, D. S.
Inge, T. H.
Lovelady, C.
Raynor, H.
Redman, L. M.
Staiano, A. E.
Spruijt-Metz, D.
Symonds, M. E.
Vickers, M.
Wilfley, D.
Yanovski, J. A.
Publication Title: 

Prenatal maternal stress (PNMS) in animals and humans predicts obesity and metabolic dysfunction in the offspring. Epigenetic modification of gene function is considered one possible mechanism by which PNMS results in poor outcomes in offspring. Our goal was to determine the role of maternal objective exposure and subjective distress on child BMI and central adiposity at 13Ω years of age, and to test the hypothesis that DNA methylation mediates the effect of PNMS on growth. Mothers were pregnant during the January 1998 Quebec ice storm.

Cao-Lei, Lei
Dancause, Kelsey N.
Elgbeili, Guillaume
Massart, Renaud
Szyf, Moshe
Liu, Aihua
Laplante, David P.
King, Suzanne


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